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OAC Presents the Cultural Embassador Project

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2020-03-06 11:16:26

OAC Presents the Cultural Embassador Project 

The Office of Arts and Culture, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, cordially invites freshmen and sophomores to be part of a training project. The project aims to train the students to be the cultural embassadors with smart personality. During the training, students would learn and develop personality by professional personality trainers and also learn royal arts and culture work which are the identities of our university. After training, students would receive the certification from university and be the cultural embassador for promoting and representing Suan Sunandha Arts and Culture.

Click link below to download the application form

For applying, please apply today onward until 20th February 2020

Name list announcement on 21st February 2020 via Facebook page ๓ ศิลป์รัตนโกสินทร์