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Online Museum with OAC (Part 13):the Establishment of Child Care House

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2022-08-18 15:13:35

Online Museum with OAC (Part 13):the Establishment of Child Care House

          H.H. Princess Saisavali Bhiromya, Princess Suaddhasininart was noted for compassionate acts Dedicating the operation to her eldest daughter (Princesss Nabhachorn Chamras Sri) who died at age 5, she started for the first time in the nation’s history a nursery that rescued children of both sexes from wretched circumstances. Out of her own purse, she bought a piece of property in Tambon Suan Mali and built the nursery to house, feed, clothes and educate destitute orphans and kids, which His Majesty King Chulalongkorn christened Royal Consort’s Child Care House. The facility opened its operation in 1890. H.H. Princess Saisavali Bhiromya, Princess Suaddhasininart named all children herself, before whose names she prefixed the word “Bun” (good deed). The child care house was dissolved in 1911 when most pupils in care turned out to be children of well-to-do families, which was against the founding objectives. The humanitarian operation was recognized as the first child welfare operation in Thailand.