Home > Announcement > Do you Know? > “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part VIII
“Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part VIII

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2022-08-18 15:10:56

Arts and Culture Online Exhibition: “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part VIII
Paintings with Composition

          Paintings with composition were those wherein the artists featured other objects: vases, tablecloths, wallpaper with perspective, etc. This helped create more storytelling within the picture; a bouquet in a vase created more content than a picture of a single flower. Painting with composition acquired more technique since it demanded the artist to excel the details of other objects and also have to unify the whole painting with dimension and perspective. 

Photo 1:
Artist: Mon
Title: Candytuft
Date: 16 December 1922

Photo 2:
Artist: Am Phan
Title: Dao Bussaya Rose
Date: anonymous

Exhibition editor: Chanaphop Vannaolarn