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OAC Welcomes Quality Management Program Students, College of Innovation Management on the Visit at Googles Arts and Culture

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ สำนักศิลปวัฒนธรรม
2023-02-23 12:14:39

On 11 October 2022, the Office of Arts and Culture, led by Dr. Peerapol Chatchawan, Director, and staff, welcomed Ajarn Wareeya Klangsaen, instructor, and 17 students of Management Program, College of Innovation Management, on occasion of observational study on Arts and Culture work process on Google Arts and Culture. Apart from this, Miss Sulawan Pansri, Head Office and Mr. Chanaphop Vannaolarn, curator gave the experiences on how to adjust and improve our work on Google Arts and Culture platform by creating online exhibitions which was the topic of our Knowledge Management Group with the Best Practice Award on KM SHARE & LEARN 2022.