Home > News > Project / Activities > Participants Impress ‘Be Smart with Your Heart’ Project with Ms. Polfah, Miss Universe Thailand
Participants Impress ‘Be Smart with Your Heart’ Project with Ms. Polfah, Miss Universe Thailand

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ สำนักศิลปวัฒนธรรม
2022-12-15 13:56:30

On 2 November 2022, the Office of Arts and Culture, held SSRU Identity Development in Arts and Culture on the theme of Be Smart with Your Heart Project 2022.

For the personality trianing, we were honored by Ms. Polfah, Miss Universe Thailand 2020 (second runner up), to speak on the topic of Be Smart with your Heart. The project was directed by the OAC Team at Sunandhanusorn Hall, and broadcast live on FB page @ArtsandCultureSSRU.

We would like to thank participants for good feedback and the speaker for sharing knowledge.