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Wonderful Moment on FLORA FLOWER : The Body Painting and Costume Design Showcase Opening Ceremony

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2022-12-15 14:01:33

On 5 November 2022, the Office of Arts and Culture was a part of the opening ceremony of FLORA FLOWER : The Body Painting and Costume Design Showcase 2022 by SSRU THEATRE SPACE at BACC, 4th Floor. On this occasion, Dr. Peerapol Chatchawan, Director of OAC, presided over the ceremony.

For this project, OAC and NAPHON K. BANGKOK co created by bringing the SSRU cultural capital which were the Watercolor Flower Paintings of H.H.Saisavali Bhiromya’s ladies-in-waiting to the contemporary artworks on body, custom design, scene design, and motion graphics. 

The show which performed by Ms. Cindy Sirinya, former Miss Thailand World, Mr.In-Jakkaraasin Asavatanachai, Ms.Alien-Kanyanut Bamrungpong, Mr.Euro-Shalam Taweesak, Thailand Top models, and also GENA DESOUZA, artist who joined the show. 

FLORA FLOWER : The Body Painting and Costume Design Showcase 2022 by SSRU THEATRE SPACE was the wonderful opportunity to disseminate SSRU heritage to contemporary artwork in many ways, and cooperations namely the Performing Arts and Creative Entrepreneurship program students, Performing Arts alumni, OAC, NAPHON K. BANGKOK brand, makeup artist, and Graphic Design students.