Home > News > Organization News > Krua Padivaradda X Chef In Narongrit would like to invite you to share the experiences of the royal cuisine culture of Suan Sunandha
Krua Padivaradda X Chef In Narongrit would like to invite you to share the experiences of the royal cuisine culture of Suan Sunandha

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ สำนักศิลปวัฒนธรรม
2024-07-16 11:15:41

Krua Padivaradda X Chef In Narongrit would like to invite you to share the experiences of the royal cuisine culture of Suan Sunandha under supervision of Her Highness Princess Saisavali Bhiromya, a trace to historical journey to Ranong of King Rama V to VII and King Rama IX. In collaboration with Ranong Communities, this has developed cuisines as a cultural soft power leading to distribution of Chef’s Table created by Suan Sunandha royal recipes and Ranong local ingredients. 

The activities also consist of Collage Installations Art "Krua Padivaradda" with singing show and After Party with special guests.

On 12-14 July 2024, 5.30 pm, at Sai Sudha Nobhadol Museum. 


1. A nine - course meal, priced at THB 3,250++ per person (Add drinks THB 1,000++ per person).  https://forms.gle/38sNVQo858PM75kD8

2. Before paying, please contact the coordinator for reservation (Khun Wanichaya Busabong, Tel. 0875061474). (10.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m.)

3. Bangkok Bank, Account Number 131-417697-3, Account Name Mr.Wanasak Padungsestakit and Ms.Nantida Otakum.

4. The reservation will be completed when money is transferred and the slip is attached in the form.  

Collage Artist: Jessada Layad 

Artwork Design: Phanuwat Kalip 

Art Director: Wanasak Padungsestakit and Naphon Kijrungroj