Mr.Kreetha Thumcharoensathit, deputy
director for planning and administration
affairs, along with Miss Sarunphat
Saengthong, acting head of planning and
quality assurance attended the Special
Meeting of OP (Organization Profile)
Mr.Kreetha Thumcharoensathit, deputy
director for planning and administration
affairs, along with Miss Sarunphat
Saengthong, acting head of planning and
quality assurance attended the Special
Meeting of OP (Organization Profile)

On 25 July
2024, Mr.Kreetha Thumcharoensathit,
deputy director for planning and
administration affairs, along with Miss
Sarunphat Saengthong, acting head of
planning and quality assurance attended
the Special Meeting of OP (Organization
Profile) at University Council Meeting
Room, 5 Fl., building