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OAC Participated in the Opening Ceremony of King Sejong Institute Bangkok 2

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ สำนักศิลปวัฒนธรรม
2024-10-28 15:10:46

On 8 October 2024, the Office of Arts and Culture led by Dr.Nantida Otakum, deputy director for international affairs and cooperation, along with Miss Wimonchat Lerdkochasri, curator, participated in the opening ceremony of King Sejong Institute Bangkok 2, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences where Assoc.Prof. Dr.Bundit Pungnirund, Vice President for Research and Development, was the chair and Dr.Napasri Suwanajote, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, gave the reporting speech. On this occasion, it was an honor to have H.E. Mr.Park Yongmin, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Thailand.