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3 Days to go Museum Night 2020 Countdown to Museum Night 2020: The Flora Flew from the Wind’ Exhibition: 3 Days to go

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2020-12-24 14:25:39

3 Days to go Museum Night 2020

Countdown to Museum Night 2020: The Flora Flew from the Wind’ Exhibition: 3 Days to go

          This December, the Office of Art and Culture, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University proudly presents the special exhibition on the special occasion-- Museum Night 2020: ‘The Flora Flew from the Wind’ Exhibition where various interesting activities will be held during 18-20 December 2020, 5 – 9 p.m. at Sai Suddha Nobhadol Building Museum.


Handicraft activities:

18 December 2020–Thai Flower Garland Bracelet

19 December 2020– Thai Flower Garland Necklace

20 December 2020– Thai Flower Garland Earring


Music in the Mansion

          And for those who love Classical music, we provide Classical performance which limited only on 20 December 2020, 5 – 9 p.m.


Exhibition in the Palace

          In the museum, we exhibit Flower works of the Royal Inner Court exhibition and simulate the lifestyle of royal inner court in Mansion of H.H. Princess Saisavali Bhiromya, Princess Suddhasininart which will bring you back to the past by experiencing the authentic historical site.


Palace Market 

          Apart from this, we will bring you to Palace Market, where there are various foods and products such as Thai spicy Dip (Nam Prik Long Rua), Kaew Chao Chom drink, Thai traditional dessert, etc.


Note: The register of Handicraft activities starts at 5 p.m. onward at Sai Suddha Nobhadol Building Museum.


Come and join the beautiful night at Sai Suddha Nobhadol!