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The Miraculous Thai Cuisines of Rattanakosin and Ayutthaya era Photo Gallery

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2022-01-14 09:58:36

The Miraculous Thai Cuisines of Rattanakosin and Ayutthaya era Photo Gallery

The Office of Arts and Culture, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, and Central Pattana held the miraculous Thai Cuisines of Rattanakosin and Ayutthaya era at the grand opening of Central Ayutthaya, Capital of Wonders on 30 November – 6 December 2021. The Office of Arts and Culture also displayed special exhibition presenting H.H. Princess Saisavali Bhiromya’s Cuisine such as Thai spicy dip, steamed Thai dumpling, etc. Here is the proto gallery of the Miraculous Thai Cuisines of Rattanakosin and Ayutthaya era.