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OAC Produces Cultural Embassadors

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2020-03-12 11:04:35

OAC Produces Cultural Embassadors 

            On 22nd – 23rd February and 29th February – 1st March 2020, the Office of Arts and Culture held the Cultural Embassador Project for 60 freshmen and sophomores from various faculties who interested to be a part of the training project. The project aimed to train students to be the cultural embassadors with smart personality. During the training, students learned and developed their public speaking techniques by Assist.Prof.Dr.Pimpaporn Boonprasert, lecturer from Srinakharinwirot University and John Robert Powers Thailand. Apart from this the students learned and improve their personalities by Miss Jeenatchaya  Jeepanatthikarn, lecturer from Faculty of Liberal Arts. Ubon Ratchathani University and newscaster from VR News channel. The personality training aimed to cultivate etiquette to students and improved students’ potential as well. In addition, they learned royal arts and dessert on preserved champak workshop and water chestnuts in coconut milk workshop which were run by the specialists of royal Thai arts and dessert, Miss Siriphatsorn Chokwasin and Miss Ketkanya  Keawngam. After training, students gained a lot of knowledge and received the certification from university and be the cultural embassador for promoting and representing Suan Sunandha Arts and Culture.