Home > Announcement > Do you Know? > “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part III
“Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part III

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2022-08-18 15:12:51

Arts and Culture Online Exhibition: “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part III

Memorize the Beauty of Flowers

          Her Highness Princess Saisavali Bhiromya, Princess Suddhasininart, the Royal Consort, went to the garden every day. If she spotted any trees or flowers she liked, she’d have her lady-in-waiting paint them. Since color camera was not yet invented back then, the best way to photograph the beauty of flowers is through painting.  

Photo: Her Highness Princess Saisavali Bhiromya went to Huay Kaew in 1972
Creator: The National Archives of Thailand
Exhibition editor: Chanaphop Vannaolarn