Home > Announcement > Online Museum > “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part II
“Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part II

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2021-05-10 15:15:03

Arts and Culture Online Exhibition: “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part II

Various Flora of Saisavali Bhiromya’s Palace

          “Grandmother (Her Highness Princess Saisavali Bhiromya) planted every kinds of flora. There were hundreds of roses around the palace, thousands of orchids at her orchid farm, below the orchids were anthuriums that bloomed all year long,” stated Her Highness Vimolchatra, who used to reside at Suan Sunandha in ‘The Tale of the Ladies of the Court, 1980.’

Photo: Ladies of the court went to Orchid Farm at Dusit Palace
Creator: The National Archives of Thailand
Exhibition editor: Chanaphop Vannaolarn