Home > Announcement > Do you Know? > “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part VI
“Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part VI

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2022-08-18 15:11:17

Arts and Culture Online Exhibition: “Time’s Journal: The Flowers in Paintings” Part VI
Painting Only on the Flower

          Painting only the flower focused specifically on the details of the flower with precision. The artist would start with sketching the outline then filling in with watercolor to illustrate the petals and leaves. This technique created realism and sometimes even enhanced the details of the flowers.

Photo 1:
Artist: anonymous
Title: anonymous (Canna)
Date: anonymous

Photo 2:
Artist: Mon
Title : Laeliocattleya Asia.
Date : 14 MAY 1920

Exhibition editor: Chanaphop Vannaolarn