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March 23, 1958, H.R.H. Princess Adorndibayanibha Memorial Day

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ สำนักศิลปวัฒนธรรม
2022-08-01 14:05:28

March 23, 1958, H.R.H. Princess Adorndibayanibha Memorial Day

         H.R.H. Princess Adorndibyanibha, the daughter of King Chulalongkorn and the Second-Class Female Attendant “Chum Krairoek”, was born on April 21st, 1889. The courtiers always called her as “Sadet Phra Ong Yai. She had the younger sister, H.R.H. Suchitra Bharani or “Sadet Phra Ong Lek”

          During her residing at Suan Sunandha, she established the Thai band as a famous stringed female band and it was the only one group at Suan Sunandha. When the considerable change of regime occurred in 1932, she moved to reside at Dibaya Palace, Rajavithi road, where was located on the royal land from King Chulalongkorn. She passed away there on March 23rd, 1958 with a royal cremation ceremony on July 5th, 1958 at the crematorium of Thep Sirin Thrawat temple.

                For her old residence at Suan Sunandha is now Adorn Dibyanivasa Building: Visual Arts where is run by the Office of Arts and Culture, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University which continue conserving the residence in its original residence and  showing the visual arts  museum where is the part of 3 Silpa Rattanakosin Learning Center.