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OAC Celebrates Thai Museum Day 2022

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ สำนักศิลปวัฒนธรรม
2022-12-15 15:01:13

On 18-19 September 2022, Sai Suddha Nobhadol Building Museum, welcomed visitors on Thai Museum Day Celebration 2022. Sai Suddha Nobhadol Building Museum was the stop on Museum Travel Activity (Route No.3) stated at 8.30 a.m. 

Inside the museum, visitors had learned the historical background of SSRU and Arts and Culture in SSRU. Apart from this, Sam Pan Nee, a traditional Thai dessert demonstration, was displayed for all vistiors.

On 19 September, the Office of Arts and Culture and Museum Association, celebrated Thai Museum Day 2022: The Power of Thai Museums at National Museum Bangkok with various activities. On this occasion, Mr. Kittipan Pansuwan, Director-general, the Fine Arts Department, presided over the opening ceremony.