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OAC Welcomed Students of Graduate School, SSRU Visiting Sai Suddha Nobhadol Building Museum

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2023-07-18 13:20:47

On 8 July 2023, Dr. Nantida Otakum, Deputy Director for International Affairs and Cooperation and OAC staff welcomed students from Graduate School, SSRU on the occasion of visiting Sai Suddha Nobhadol Building Museum, the historical heritage of Suan Sunandha where Mr. Rawiroch Singhlumpong, academic officer and Ms. Wanidchaya Budsabong, curator gave a lecture on the history of the museum. After that, the students participated in cooking demonstration “Nam Prik Long Rua Chili Paste” by Mr. Chanaphop Vannaolarn, and “Sum pun nee” by Ms. Wanidchaya Budsabong, OAC curators.