Home > News > Organization News > The Office of Arts and Culture is presenting “Chef’s Table: Krua Padivaradda
The Office of Arts and Culture is presenting “Chef’s Table: Krua Padivaradda

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2024-06-17 11:11:57

The Office of Arts and Culture is presenting “Chef’s Table: Krua Padivaradda,” the royal cuisine culture of Suan Sunandha under supervision of Her Highness Princess Saisavali Bhiromya, the Royal Consort to King Rama V and a trace to historical journey to Ranong of King Rama V to VII and King Rama IX. In collaboration with Ranong Communities, this has developed cuisines as a cultural soft power causing the changes and leading to distribution of Chef’s Table created by Suan Sunandha royal recipes and Ranong local ingredients at Sai Sudha Nobhadol Museum, 12-14 July 2024, 5.30 pm. The activities also consist of installation art with music and meet and greet with special guests. Please stay tuned for further information. 

Collage Artist: Jessada Layad

Artwork Design: Phanuwat Kalip

Art Director: Wanasak Padungsestakit and Naphon Kijrungroj