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OAC Holds Arts and Culture Preservation Committee Meeting

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2022-06-22 13:55:06

OAC Holds Arts and Culture Preservation Committee Meeting

          On 28 January 2022, the Office of Arts and Culture, led by Dr.Peerapol Chatchawan, Director, Mr.Kreetha Thumcharoensathit, Deputy Director for Planning and Administration Affairs, and Asst.Prof.Dr.Wanasak Padungsestakit, Deputy Director for Academic and Activity Affairs, Dr.Nantida Otakum, Deputy Director for International Affairs and Cooperation, and staff of Planning and Quality Assurance section held the Arts and Culture Preservation Committee Meeting Academic Year 2021 (No.1/2022) on Google Meet. The purpose of the meeting was to report and to follow up on arts and culture preserving implement at the faculty and university levels. Apart from this, the committee has considered the dissemination guidelines of Suan Sunandha wisdom to students.